File Specification

A valid Othello AI consists of a Python file, version 3+, with a class called Strategy containing a method called best_strategy.

Minimal example

def choose_move(board, player, still_running, time_limit):
    # Implement this method
    return 0

class Strategy:
    # Uncomment the below flags as needed
    # logging = True
    # uses_10x10_board = True
    # uses_10x10_moves = True

    def best_strategy(self, board, player, best_move, still_running, time_limit):
        move = choose_move(board, player, still_running, time_limit)
        best_move.value = move

Method specification

The best_strategy method must accept the following 4 arguments:

In the board provided, a '.' represents an empty space, 'x' a black token, and 'o' a white token. The player is the color your script is playing as. Once you have determined your best move, set best_move.value to the index of the board where you wish to place your token.

Note: You do not need to import the multiprocessing library to use multiprocessing.Value objects.

Time management

To know when you run out of time, you can use still_running.value, which starts as 1 but changes to 0 when you near the time limit.

Alternatively, best_strategy can accept an optional 5th argument, time_limit. If included in your method header, it will be set to an integer representing the amount of time (in seconds) that your script has to determine the best move.

Note: If your game supports "Good Citizen" timing, exiting the best_strategy method before the time limit will give you extra time on the next turn.

Warning: All user code will be run in a daemonized multiprocessing.Process. This means your script cannot spawn any Processes of its own. If your code does spawn any multiprocessing.Process instances, it will error out.

Enabling logging

In addition to the specifications listed above, your Strategy class may contain a logging variable. This variable, if used, must be an attribute of the Strategy class. Therefore it should be defined within Strategy's constructor (as self.logging) or inside the class but outside a class method (just logging). For instance, logging cannot be defined in the best_strategy method of your Strategy class or in a helper method defined outside of Strategy.

If set to True, you will see the output of any print statements on either side of the board when playing your script. Output for scripts that are playing as black will appear on the left-hand side of the Othello board while the output for scripts that are playing as white will appear on the right-hand side of the Othello board.

If you omit the logging variable in your Strategy class, it will be assumed that you do not wish to output any print statements.

Warning: If you set logging = True in your Strategy class, you will only be able to view script logs if you are currently logged in and own the running script.

Customizing board representation

If you would like to be provided with a 10x10 board instead of the default 8x8 board, you can add a uses_10x10_board variable to your strategy class. This will surround the 8x8 board with an additional layer of '?' characters, as shown below. Similar to the logging variable, uses_10x10_board must be an attribute of the Strategy class and will default to False if omitted.

You can also use the uses_10x10_moves variable to signify that your submitted best_move.value refers to indices in this 10x10 board representation. If not used, the server will assume that your best_move.value refers to indices in the default 8x8 board, irrespective of whether or not uses_10x10_board is enabled.

                           ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  . . . . . . . .          ? . . . . . . . . ?
  . . . . . . . .          ? . . . . . . . . ?
  . . . . . . . .          ? . . . . . . . . ?
  . . . o x . . .          ? . . . o x . . . ?
  . . . x o . . .    =>    ? . . . x o . . . ?
  . . . . . . . .          ? . . . . . . . . ?
  . . . . . . . .          ? . . . . . . . . ?
  . . . . . . . .          ? . . . . . . . . ?
                           ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Scripts submitted before the 2020-21 school year are now invalid!

Students who submitted before the 2020-21 school year must revise their code to recognize the new board (which uses {'.','x','o'} characters instead of {'.','@','o'} characters) on future submissions. All past submissions will continue to run on the old board system to keep them playable.

Upload Errors

When uploading code to the server you may encounter one of the following errors.

If you encounter another error message that you cannot interpret, email a screenshot of the error message as well as your code.

Playing Games and Errors

To play a game, go to the Play page and select two players. To watch a game, go to the Watch page and select one of the listed games. If there are no games currently being played, no games will be listed.

When playing games, if your script behaves incorrectly, the server will interpret this as an UserError. When the server encounters an UserError, your script will automatically forfeit the game and your opponent will be awarded the win. The UserError will be reported in either log area, regardless if the playing script set the logging variable. The following are the possible UserError codes and their meanings:

If any other error code is outputted, namely an error code within {-4,-5,-6, -7, -8}, this means the server has encountered an error while running your game. In this case, the game will be marked as a tie between both players, but you should email a screenshot of the game along with your code so we can investigate and fix this error.

Finally, when running a non-tournament game, the server continuously checks if the browser which initiated the game is still watching the game. If not, the game will be terminated and the game will end in a tie. Meaning, if you start a game but then close the window with the game still running, the game will be terminated and end in a tie.

Multiple Submissions

You may submit code any amount of times, and the Othello server will record and store all your submissions. If you wish, you may retrieve any previously submitted script from the upload page. However, the Othello Server will only run your most recent submission.

All your code submissions will persist on the Othello server, and you can retrieve previous submissions through the Upload Page. The Othello server will always use your most recent code submission when running your AI against other players. (If you were to submit twice, your second submission would be used to play against other users)

Note: When uploading a script, you will be given an option to attach a "name" or "label" to that script. Adding a "name" to your script will make it easier to identify previous submissions if you wish to retrieve them later. If omitted, your script's "name" will default to the time it was submitted.

Running Multiple Files

As of now the Othello server will only run the most recently uploaded script. You should try to put all your code in a single file and upload that file. Any files created by your code will persist between runs and games. If you do in fact need other files for your code to work, and it is infeasible to include it in one file, contact or your AI teacher about your situation.

Warning: When your code is uploaded, it is stored under a different, randomly-generated filename. Submitting two Python files and expecting to be able to import the other file by name is infeasible.

Replaying Past Games

After either Playing or Watching a Game you may download a text-formatted version of the game using the "Download Game" button below the game board. You may choose to download the Game in a format that is pretty-printed and easy to interpret visually or in a format that is more easily parsed programmatically. The exact specifications for both formats, and a preview, are shown when downloading a Game.

In addition to downloading Games, you can upload this file to the Replay Page and more closely interact with the downloaded game file. After uploading the game file, you will be able to step forward and step back through all the turns played in that game.

Note: Logging data is not saved in game files and will not be displayed during replays

Other Info

If your code fails to return a move, returns an invalid move, or errors for whatever reason, it will be treated as a forfeit. As such, make sure you code works on your computer before using this website to test against other AIs. Just as a reminder, if your code is caught cheating during the tournament in any way, you will be given an integrity violation, so just don't do it.